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FLEEA Cross-Border Alliance

The FLEEA Cross-Border Alliance Program is an international platform that unites French language trainers, associations, and educators from across the globe dedicated to promoting French language education and intercultural understanding. It serves as a dynamic platform for collaboration, sharing best practices, cultural exchange, and fostering global interconnectedness. CBAP provides members with opportunities to contribute their expertise, showcase innovative teaching methodologies, and engage in enriching discussions that bridge cultural and linguistic boundaries. Our mission is to create a thriving space for knowledge sharing, cultural exchange, and collaborative growth. This initiative celebrates diversity and collective wisdom. 

Our Objectives

  1. Foster Knowledge Exchange: Provide a platform for sharing innovative teaching methods, tools, and ideas to enhance French language education worldwide.

  2. Celebrate Cultural Diversity: Integrate global Francophone traditions, arts, and literature into discussions, enriching the teaching experience.

  3. Promote Collaborative Learning: Build bridges between international educators and Indian institutions for mutually beneficial exchanges.

  4. Empower Members: Offer opportunities to showcase training programs, workshops, and initiatives while learning from others.

  5. Expand the Reach of French Education: Tap into the dynamic potential of French language learning in India, one of the fastest-growing Francophone markets.

How We Bring the Alliance to Life​

  • Facilitate Knowledge Sharing: Host webinars, panel discussions, and forums where members share best practices and innovative approaches.

  • Create Networking Opportunities: Connect trainers and associations with schools, colleges, and language institutions in India.

  • Organize Cultural Exchanges: Promote the richness of Francophone cultures through collaborative projects and interactive events.

  • Support Visibility: Provide a dedicated profile for members on the FLEEA website, allowing them to promote their work and expertise.

  • Enable Collaboration: Help members co-design training programs, workshops, and initiatives tailored to diverse audiences.


Who are the Members of CBAP

The FLEEA Cross-Border Alliance Program members are:

  • French Language Trainers: Independent or affiliated, passionate about sharing their expertise.

  • Francophone Associations: Organizations promoting French language and culture.

  • Cultural Institutions: Centers dedicated to Francophone arts, literature, and traditions.

Join the CBAP Community

  • Be Part of a Global Network: Connect with educators, trainers, and cultural leaders from around the world.

  • Showcase Your Expertise: Gain visibility and share your programs with a broad audience through the FLEEA platform.

  • Learn and Collaborate: Access resources, ideas, and training opportunities tailored to your needs.

  • Make an Impact: Contribute to shaping the future of French language education in India and beyond.

  • Celebrate Culture: Join a community passionate about integrating cultural diversity into learning.

Cross-Border Alliance Partners

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Program Coodinator, UFCV

Specialisation: Prononciation et Phonétics

Tours, France

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Lorenz Gerlach

Responsable Pédagogique et commercial, Didier FLE

Master en FLE/FLS/FOS, et en Relations Internationales

Responsable Pédagogique dans différentes écoles internationales

dans le monde

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Marion Madelenat

Association Martinique images 

Autrice, Comédienne,Conteuse et Intervenante de Théâtre Spécialisation: Conteuse et Intervenante de Théâtre

La Rochelle, France

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Pascal Rabevolo

Learn French with Pascal

Spécialisation: Apprentissage linguistique, séjours linguistiques

Nantes, France

Wilfried Mercklen 
Directeur de la diffusion internationale, Auteur de contes 
Didier FLE, Hatier et Dunod.
Spécialisation: Lexicologie, Littérature (contes), Narration, Cartes mentales

Paris, France

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